What makes the perfect bar trivia team name?

What’s in a name? Thinking up the perfect team name at trivia night is one of the best parts of coming out to the bar for quizzo – brainstorming with your friends to figure out what’s funny and what isn’t is always good for a few laughs, and so is listening to names other teams come up with. But what makes a great team name?

A good pub quiz team name combines current events and humor– but try to keep it unique. If the president made a particularly goofy tweet (remember covfefe?), chances are other teams will reference it in their names. If you want yours to be a nod that day’s big headlines, make it creative. We don’t want a repeat of the week multiple teams went with “Hangin’ with Aaron Hernandez.”

It can also be a funny observation, like this month’s “I Don’t Wash My Hands After I Pee,” or “She Likes My Dad’s Penis.” Then, there are old favorites, like the many variations of “Quiz in My Pants,” “Better Late Than Pregnant,” “Our Couch Pulls Out, But We Don’t.” They’re all classics, but get creative! You’re already smart enough to come out to the best quizzo night in New Jersey. We know you’re clever enough to put your own spin on a typical team name.

The most important rule to follow, though, is to just have fun! Your team name doesn’t have to crack up the whole bar. Make it an inside joke, or a 50-year-old reference that nobody else will understand. It’s up to you. Now use your sense of humor and get to work.

Trivia Night Old Town Pub Bordentown New Jersey

The origins of pub quiz, from Britain and beyond!


How to make the perfect trivia team!